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Winterfell is an event that can be reached immediately after becoming a Stark in Pick A House or with the Iron Coin Neutral Effect after becoming a Stark. It cannot simply be a random event.

In the event, you can do one of the following:

  • Choose the Godswood to have an opportunity to use your Axe to gain a Log; upon continuing, gain 2 turns of Speed Boost if you have no Curses, or lose 1 random Curse if you have any.
  • Choose the Catapult to go to the Time To Shoot! subevent you'd reach normally after selecting [Aim it backward.] in the main Catapult event.
  • Choose the Blacksmith to go to Mikken the Blacksmith's shop:

The Blacksmith[edit | edit source]

Shop Introduction[edit | edit source]

You walk over to Mikken the Blacksmith...


Shop Interface[edit | edit source]

The Blacksmith
'Hail, m'lord! Here ta inspect mah metalworks? 'Tis the finest in all the North!' says Mikken.
Item Price Description upon purchase
Hammer 2 Rupees Tis a fine Hammer, m'lord! Whack some sense inta anyone tha' deserves it!'
Shield 13 Rupees 'Nah man's immortal, m'lord! This shall protect ye well.'
Sword 20 Rupees 'Nah Stark should walk 'round unarmed, m'lord! Carry it with pride!'
Generic post-purchase quote
...says Mikken. 'Anythin' else, m'lord?'
Insufficient funds quote
'Apologies, m'lord, but mah wares aren't free. Not even fer a Stark!' Damn... no X for you.
Death quote
You seem to have died somehow and a soldier drags your body out of Winterfell.
Leaving quote
You leave the Blacksmith.
  • You can also just choose one of the options above randomly.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The Catapult option used to lead to the Catapult base page. The option was deemed too powerful and was changed to not allow shooting forwards.
  • If the Catapult is currently toppled due to The Force, the Catapult option in Winterfell will still be functional since it bypasses the Catapult base page.
  • Westeros (including Winterfell) is a special location for the Shovel. Items which can be dug up include: Torn Memento: Right Side, Iron Coin, Sword, Shield, Ordinary Ring, Ordinary Necklace, Skull (2), and 1 Rupee.

Event Text[edit | edit source]

Upon encounter:

You enter the icy city of the Starks: Winterfell. You see a wooden Catapult that's aimed backwards. Mikken the Blacksmith seems to have some goods for sale. You see the Godswood through a gate.

Click where you want to go.

[Pick a random option]

Upon choosing the Godswood:

You walk over to the Godswood and start praying in front of the Heart Tree...

Let's put that Axe to use!

Upon continuing in the initial Godswood subevent without a Curse:

You pray in front of the Heart Tree in the Godswood. The Old Gods seem to have heard your prayers and you suddenly feel full of renewed energy. You gain a +4 Speed Boost.

Let's put that Axe to use!

Upon continuing in the initial Godswood subevent with a Curse:

You pray in front of the Heart Tree in the Godswood. The Old Gods seem to have heard your prayers and your X is removed.

Upon choosing the Catapult:

You walk over to the Catapult...