
From Board Game Online Wiki
(Redirected from Wildcard: Flavor Events)

If you're looking for the "fake" Wildcard: Shops, see Pyramid Trap Card.

Wildcards is a collective name for the group of the 4 following items: Wildcard: Shops, Flavor Events, Skills, and Traveling Salesmen.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Shops[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Shops
In-Game Description
Tooltip Visit a shop of your choice.
Object, Unremovable, Soulbound, Fireproof, Frostproof
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

Inherent Effect Tooltips[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Shops (Neutral Effect) Tooltip
You are going to visit the ShopName!

Neutral Effect, Category: Go to event

Wildcard: Flavor Events[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Flavor Events
In-Game Description
Tooltip Visit a rare Flavor Event of your choice from a random selection of 7 options.
Object, Unremovable, Soulbound, Fireproof, Frostproof
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

Inherent Effect Tooltips[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Flavor Events (Neutral Effect) Tooltip
You're about to encounter a rare Flavor Event!

Neutral Effect, Category: Go to event

Wildcard: Skills[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Skills
In-Game Description
Tooltip Choose a rare skill of your choice!
Object, Unremovable, Soulbound, Fireproof, Frostproof
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • You gain a skill of your choice from the following:
  • Pacman and "No." turns can add on to an already existing Pacman or "No." skill (respectively)

Wildcard: Traveling Salesmen[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Traveling Salesmen
In-Game Description
Tooltip Visit a Traveling Salesmen of your choice.
Object, Unremovable, Soulbound, Fireproof, Frostproof
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

How To Obtain[edit | edit source]

Any Wildcard[edit | edit source]

Effects[edit | edit source]

  • Wildcard Generation occurs in the Round Effects of every Round that is a multiple of 10. For each generation, all players gain a Wildcard: Shops, and there is a chance for all players to receive 1 random other Wildcard. (All players receive the same 1.)

Items[edit | edit source]

Events[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Shops[edit | edit source]

Wildcard: Traveling Salesman[edit | edit source]

Effects[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

  • TBD

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • TBD