
From Board Game Online Wiki

What I Do[edit source]

I main QP. I rarely create my own games, as I've found people often don't join them. I typically join games of >200 spaces and >3 players that don't have random classes.

I win lots of my games, typically by building up an inventory and making a big finishing push at the end.

My priorities in a game are as follows: prevent imminent winners, push for a win turn if I have it, get and protect items that give me immunities, get and protect items that give me protection from spells, get lots of items that can get me distance (especially through food), have plenty of fodder for fluxing (if I'm QP, or for Condense Magic if I'm Enchanter), have a decent amount of rupees and/or life insurance at all times, and keep up with the head of the pack.

Classes[edit source]

Tier list for classes in games I play:

  1. QP - generating strong items and death immunity on demand is too good
  2. Enchanter - if you do get any great items, you can make sure you keep them, and you have great access to lots of strong spells
  3. Merchant - lots of great items at shops and easy money
  4. Sorcerer - steal others' items and build up mana for a strong >20 space flash burst at the end
  5. Succubus - easy access to ethereal gems to make ethereal gloves to do shenanigans while dead and revive yourself, and STD immunity
  6. Druid - go forwards lots of spaces
  7. Warlock - magic 'n shit, i don't know
  8. Paladin - autohammer is annoying as hell to people, and curses and diseases are easy to clean off and turn into more spaces
  9. Assassin - lots of spaces, and bit better than barb because assassinate can gain more spaces and incapacitate
  10. Barbarian - leap is alright, but passive and roar are pretty awful
  11. Illusionist - nobody good falls for deadly illusions, there are better ways to protect items, and disappearance shenanigans are usually a waste of time
  12. Saboteur - pretty much nothing but harassment, but it can be really effective when used properly
  13. Necromancer - a lot better than it gets credit for here if you can grow it into two decent tier 3 minions, but that's pretty hard to do actually
  14. Time Twister - mess with peoples spaces and speed, but that doesn't amount to much in the long run
  15. Priest - you don't have to worry about enemy Overlords, and you can sometimes do good stuff with auto-res on demand, but QP box does it better
  16. Lawyer - skip a player's turn every so often, really bad

Alchemist is not even a class. It's more like an experience of what it's like to play the game without a class. No +spaces, no harassment, destroy your own items for meaningless rupees, and poison immunity that doesn't matter because poison effects are really uncommon. You can make holy water and turn it into HHG if you get to an ACME shop and then kill yourself with it because you realize what a waste of a class you have. Never pick this if you are playing seriously and want to win.

List of Suggestions[edit source]

A list of forum links to suggestions I have made for the game.