Interdimensional Portal Worlds

From Board Game Online Wiki
(Redirected from Shnoopy World)

If you're looking for these events' flavor text, see Interdimensional Portal Worlds (flavor text).

Interdimensional Portal Worlds can be reached with Interdimensional Portal Neutral Effects.

General[edit | edit source]

  • If you choose any option in an Interdimensional Portal World while Dead (with the exception of Shnoopy World), you simply leave the event instead of having the normal effect. (If an event effect kills you, you still have a small window of opportunity to revive before choosing an option.)

Bird World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to look for a bird, an egg, or "other stuff", or you can leave.

Butt World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to explore, pay to eat Butt Beans, or leave.
  • If you have 4+ Rupees and can eat: You pay 4 Rupees and eat Normal Butt Beans in order to move 8-14(?) spaces forward, then apply 5 turns of Very Stinky to each other player between (and including both) your starting space and the space you are on when this portion of the effect triggers.
  • If you have less than 4 Rupees or are Unable To Eat Or Drink: Simply leave the event.
  • Eat Strong Butt Beans (8 Rupees):
  • If you have 8+ Rupees and can eat: You pay 8 Rupees and eat Strong Butt Beans in order to move 16-24(?) spaces forward, then apply 5 turns of Very Stinky to each other player between (and including both) your starting space and the space you are on when this portion of the effect triggers.
  • If you have less than 8 Rupees or are Unable To Eat Or Drink: Simply leave the event.
  • Eat Mega Butt Beans (12 Rupees):
  • If you have 12+ Rupees and can eat: You pay 12 Rupees and eat Mega Butt Beans in order to move 18-32(?) spaces forward, then apply 5 turns of Very Stinky to each other player between (and including both) your starting space and the space you are on when this portion of the effect triggers.
  • If you have less than 12 Rupees or are Unable To Eat Or Drink: Simply leave the event.
  • Leave: Simply leave the event.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Any level of Butt Beans counts as a generic Food item when eaten.

Candy World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to pay 4 Rupees in order to eat a "candy" item, or you can leave.
  • Pay 4 Rupees:
  • Each time you eat an item in this way, you will again be presented with the option of paying 4 Rupees to eat a random "candy" item from the same pool or simply leaving UNLESS you gain Diabetes, in which case you are forced to leave the event.
  • Diabetes: Passively grants -2 Speed. If you eat a Food item, you die. During each Effects Phase, you have a chance to gain Low Blood Sugar. This effect cannot stack.
  • Low Blood Sugar: If you eat a Food item, this effect wears off. During your next Effects Phase, your turn ends, and this effect wears off. This effect cannot stack.
  • Leave: Simply leave the event.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • In the case of eating Strawberry Cake, you move 5 spaces forward as with Stoned.
  • In the case of eating Box Of Chocolates, you'll move 14-16(?) spaces forward and die as with Stoned.
  • In the case of eating Brownies, you'll move 5 spaces forward as with eating Brownies with 1 charge with Stoned.
  • Birthday Cake cannot appear in the "candy" pool even on BGO Birthday.
  • The admin Dysprosium has verified there is a hard cap on the amount of "candy" items you can eat in a visit before gaining Diabetes. The cap is at least 7.
  • Diabetes will not prevent side-effects of eating such as moving 2 spaces forward from eating a Pumpkin.
  • Diabetes will not wear off if you eat a random Food item while you have a death blocker like Auto-Resurrection.
  • Diabetes will not kill you if you eat a Lemon which removes Diabetes.

Inherent Effect Tooltips[edit | edit source]

Diabetes Tooltip
Couldn't stop eating candy, could you? Well, now you have -2 Speed. And that's not all!

You cannot eat anything or you will die. I'm not kidding. You will die.

Sometimes you will get Low Blood Sugar, in which case you have to eat something within 1 turn, or you will become incapacitated.

Enjoy your diabetes! Haha! But no, seriously, this is pretty bad.

Category: Debuff, Disease

Low Blood Sugar Tooltip
Oh shit! Your blood sugar is low, man! You've gotta eat something before your next turn or you're gonna pass out!

Category: Debuff, Disease

Cronenberg World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to explore the abandoned laboratories or the street, or you can leave.

Dark World[edit | edit source]

Doggo World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to take Tasty Treats or to rob a robo doggo, or you can leave.
  • Take some Tasty Treats!: You gain Tasty Treats.
  • Let's get dangerous and rob a robo doggo!:
  • Leave: Simply leave the event.

Fantasy World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to go on a simple quest, a challenging quest, or an epic quest, or you can leave.

Gear World[edit | edit source]

  • Upon choosing an item, you obtain it, and a gear person approaches you. You can then either choose [Yes] to "listen to them" and obtain the History Of The Gear Wars Debuff and Skip-A-Turn or choose [No] to simply leave the event.
  • History Of The Gear Wars: During your next Effects Phase while you are alive, you gain a random item from the generic Mechanical item-givers pool, and this effect wears off.
  • Leave: Simply leave the event.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Being immune to Skip-A-Turn does not prevent gaining History Of The Gear Wars or gaining an item from History Of The Gear Wars.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

History Of The Gear Wars Tooltip
You're listening to a... very detailed overview of the Gear Wars.

Category: Debuff

Sexy World[edit | edit source]

  • You can choose to "catch a Lemon whore", pay 5 Rupees to enter a sex dungeon, or watch porn, or you can refuse consent and leave.
  • Catch Lemon Whore: You have sex, then you gain a Lemon.
  • Explore Sex Dungeon (costs 5 Rupees):

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Being unable to have sex doesn't prevent gaining a Lemon or kinky item.

Watch Porn Gallery[edit | edit source]

Warning: NSFW Images

Shnoopy World[edit | edit source]

  • If you continue while Dead, you go to Recreational Regeneration (1), in which you revive. If you continue while Dead from Recreational Regeneration (1), you go to Recreational Regeneration (2), in which you revive. If you continue while Dead from Recreational Regeneration (2), you go to Recreational Regeneration (3), in which you revive and gain an Immortality Field Generator.
  • If you continue from Shnoopy World/Recreational Regeneration (1)/Recreational Regeneration (2) while alive, you go to Bored Of Breathing; upon continuing you simply leave the event.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Continuing from Recreational Regeneration (3) or Bored Of Breathing while Dead will NOT revive you.

Universe J-19 Zeta[edit | edit source]

  • You gain Fake Fake Turd with the Food enchantment. Then, you can either choose an item you have which is neither Food nor Unremovable to give it the Food enchantment, or you can say "No thanks!" to simply leave the event.

Yello World[edit | edit source]

  • If you have Floating or Emergency Floating, you gain 2 random "positive effects" from generic positive effect-givers. (If you don't have either Floating or Emergency Floating, Yello World is replaced with the Yellooooooooooooooo event in which you don't gain any positive effects, also you simply leave the event upon continuing.) Upon continuing from Yello World, you go to a random subevent out of the following (unless you no longer have Floating or Emergency Floating, in which case you have the aforementioned Yellooooooooooooooo event):
  • A Fresh Start: Gain 3 turns of Speed Boost. If you are a male player, you become treated as a female player. If you are a female player, you become treated as a male player. If you are a non-binary player, you are assigned a random binary gender.
  • GRARRG: Gain a Gun and move 2-4(?) spaces back.
  • The Greater The Risk: Gain a random item from the generic great item-givers pool, also you die unless you have War Helmet's Passive activate.
  • Brownies & Bombs: You reach the below shop.

Brownies & Bombs[edit | edit source]

Shop Introduction[edit | edit source]

Brownies & Bombs

You enter a shop called Brownies & Bombs. Catchy name!

The Sheep Sisters greet you happily: "Welcome, humanoid! Did you come here for the baaahhh-rownies or the baaahhh-bombs? Or baaahhh-both?"
[Show the wares!][No thanks.]

Shop Interface[edit | edit source]

Brownies & Bombs
"What may it baaahhh-be?"
Item Price Description upon purchase
Brownies 1 Rupee "Baaahhh-rownies! These go particularly well with some… baaahhh-bombs!"
Pipe Bomb 2 Rupees "Pipe Baaahhh-bombs are dangerous, but that doesn’t make them baaaaad! Great baaahhh-birthday presents, yes!"
Hand Grenade 10 Rupees "Don’t take out the pin in here. That would be baaaaad!"
Explosive Sheep 12 Rupees "Please take good care of our sister and she will assist you in baaahhh-battle!"
Sex Bomb 16 Rupees "Oh, the baaahhh-nality of it all! But still, a bomb is a baaahhh-bomb!"
Spider Mine 20 Rupees "This device can baaahhh-blast anyone to pieces! Ka-baaahhh-blammo!"
Holy Hand Grenade 22 Rupees "Very explosive! Baaahhh-bask in its holy glory!"
ACME TNT 40 Rupees "Using such an explosive requires serious baaahhh-balls!"
Generic post-purchase quote
"Want to baaahhh-buy anything else?"
Insufficient funds quote
"You cannot afford that. Go to the baaahhh-bank first!"
Death quote
You seem to have died at Brownies & Bombs. The Sheep Sisters throw your corpse into the void below.
Leaving quote
"Come baaaaack anytime!"

Secret Interaction[edit | edit source]

This is regarded as one of the secrets of BGO.

The Detonation Spell can be used at the Brownies & Bombs shop in Yello World to blow up the entire shop and end the current player's turn.