Oktoberfest Drinks

From Board Game Online Wiki
(Redirected from Magic Malt)

Oktoberfest Drinks is a collective name for the group of the 7 following items: Brawler's Brew, Hop Hops, Lager Of Learning, Magic Malt, Mojo Mead, Snail Ale, and Storm Stout.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Any Oktoberfest Drink[edit | edit source]

Event Use[edit | edit source]

Brawler's Brew[edit | edit source]

Brawler's Brew
In-Game Description
Tooltip Become Drunk for 2 turns and gain the Brawler's Brew effect for 3 turns, which makes your attacks with most blunt melee weapons also incapacitate the target.
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

Event Use[edit | edit source]

Hop Hops[edit | edit source]

Hop Hops
In-Game Description
Tooltip Makes you Drunk for 2 turns. Also gives you the Hop Hops effect for 5 turns, causing you to hop 2 spaces forwards every turn for the duration.
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Drink this item. You gain 2 turns of the Drunk Neutral Effect and 5 turns of the Hop Hops Buff.
  • Hop Hops: During each Effects Phase while you are alive, you move forward 2 spaces. This effect can be extended.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

Hop Hops (Buff) Tooltip
You feel... hoppy. You hop 2 spaces forwards every turn!

Duration: X turn(s)

Category: Buff

Event Use[edit | edit source]

Lager Of Learning[edit | edit source]

Lager Of Learning
In-Game Description
Tooltip Makes you Drunk for 2 turns. You also pass out, becoming incapacitated for 1 turn. When you wake up, you will have learned a random feat.
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Drink this item. You gain 2 turns of the Drunk Neutral Effect and become Incapacitated, also you gain the Lager Of Learning Buff.
  • Lager Of Learning: During your next Effects Phase while you are alive, you learn a random Learnable Feat that you do not have, also this effect wears off. This effect can stack under different Buffs.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

Lager Of Learning (Buff) Tooltip
You passed out from drinking this potent lager. However, you will wake up with the knowledge of a random feat when you wake up next turn!

Category: Buff

Event Use[edit | edit source]

Magic Malt[edit | edit source]

Magic Malt
In-Game Description
Tooltip Become Drunk for 2 turns and gain Focused Spellcasting for 5 turns, causing your Spells to ignore all magical defenses.
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Drink this item. You gain 2 turns of the Drunk Neutral Effect and 5 turns of the Magic Malt Buff.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

Magic Malt Tooltip
You temporarily have Focused Spellcasting, allowing your Spells to ignore all defenses to Spells except immunities.

Duration: X turn(s)

Category: Buff

Event Use[edit | edit source]

  • TBD

Mojo Mead[edit | edit source]

Mojo Mead
In-Game Description
Tooltip Makes you Drunk for 2 turns. Also gives you Mojo for 5 turns, which increases your sexual success rate!
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Drink this item. You gain 2 turns of the Drunk Neutral Effect and 5 turns of the Temporary Mojo Buff.

Event Use[edit | edit source]

Snail Ale[edit | edit source]

Snail Ale
In-Game Description
Tooltip Makes you Drunk for 2 turns. Also gives you the Snail Ale effect for 2 turns, which causes you to roll without Speed for the duration.
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Drink this item. You gain 2 turns of the Drunk Neutral Effect and 5 turns of the Snail Ale Buff.
  • Snail Ale: Passively grants the Speedless Roll Neutral Effect. This effect can be extended.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

Snail Ale (Buff) Tooltip
You feel slow but steady. Your rolls don't take Speed into account.

Duration: X turn(s)

Category: Buff

Event Use[edit | edit source]

Storm Stout[edit | edit source]

Storm Stout
In-Game Description
Tooltip Become Drunk for 2 turns and gain Crackling Storm for 5 turns, causing you to incapacitate the next player you move through, also resetting one of your cooldowns.
Object, Drink, Liquid
Uses 1

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Drink this item. You gain 2 turns of the Drunk Neutral Effect and 5 turns of the Crackling Storm Buff.
  • Crackling Storm: You will incapacitate the next player you move through, also resetting one of your cooldowns. This effect can be extended.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

Crackling Storm (Buff) Tooltip
You will incapacitate the next player you move through, also resetting one of your cooldowns.

Category: Buff, Magic

Event Use[edit | edit source]

How To Obtain[edit | edit source]

Any Oktoberfest Drink[edit | edit source]

Events[edit | edit source]

Effects[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • These items are much more common from generic Liquid item-givers during Oktoberfest.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

  • TBD

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • TBD