Ice Cream

From Board Game Online Wiki
(Redirected from Cold Head)

Ice Cream is an item.

Ice Cream
In-Game Description
Tooltip Eat this to move forward 2-3 spaces and douse your Fire! Also gives you Cold Head for 6 turns. If you eat another Ice Cream while you have Cold Head, you get a Brain Freeze, causing you to become Silenced for 6 turns.
Object, Food, Animal Products
Uses 1

Usage[edit | edit source]

Standard Use[edit | edit source]

  • Eat this item to move 2-3 spaces forward. You lose the Fire Debuff if you have it. Also, you gain Cold Head for 6 turns if you don't have it already; if you do have it already, you lose it, you gain 6 turns of Brain Freeze, and then you gain Cold Head again for 6 turns.
  • Cold Head: If you eat another Ice Cream, gain 6 turns of Brain Freeze.
  • Brain Freeze: You are Silenced.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Frost Immunity passively removes and prevents gaining Cold Head and Brain Freeze.

Inherent Effect Tooltip[edit | edit source]

Cold Head Tooltip
Your head feels cold. Don't eat another Ice Cream or you'll get a Brain Freeze, causing you to become Silenced for 6 turns!

Duration: X turn(s)

Category: Debuff

Brain Freeze Tooltip
You are temporarily Silenced and your brain hurts like fuck!

Duration: X turn(s)

Category: Debuff

Event Use[edit | edit source]

How To Obtain[edit | edit source]

Events[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

  • TBD

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • TBD